Tips for Traveling with Beauty Products

May 15, 2024
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Photo by Leah Newhouse on

I have a tendency to seriously over pack when traveling, both with clothing and with beauty products. For clothing, it is a necessity – being a plus sized woman, I don’t have the easiest time finding clothing that fits me. So I almost always over pack to make sure I have the right clothing. It’s just a fact of my life that I (and my husband) deal with.

But for beauty products, I have been trying to pare down what I travel with. So today I want to talk about some of the products that I travel with, along with some tips and hints.

First off, I always travel with my favorite hair products. I don’t like to rely on the shampoo and conditioners at a hotel because they are usually too harsh. So I have been using these great travel containers by LiquiSnugs. They are so easy to fill, and they don’t leak. They come in two sizes, and have labels that stick to identify what is inside. And because they have larger mouths, they clean out very easily if you want to switch the product that is inside. Even better, keep a stash of sample sizes of your favorite products! I do this often, and it allows me to discard (or recycle) small empty containers so I don’t have to bring them home.

One of my quirks is that I love to sit down when doing my makeup and skincare. And in most hotel rooms, that isn’t possible because of lighting, or mirror availability, or space. So I always bring a lighted travel mirror with me. This is my favorite one. It has great light and isn’t magnifying, so I can see what I look like!

For travel bags, I love to use these by Kusshi. What I love about the Kusshi bags is that they come in multiple sizes and colors, and even have a snap-in brush holder for makeup brushes. I always travel with makeup brushes, so this keeps them organized and safe. Hint – travel with different color/shape makeup bags to make it easier for you to stay organized. I usually travel with four bags – makeup, skincare, hair care and miscellaneous. Keeping the bags different keeps me organized!

My last suggestion isn’t really beauty product related, although it can be used for that. I always make sure I travel with small and large ziplock bags. These can be used to keep damp items safe in your bag, and can also be used to provide an extra layer of protection for products that may leak. I will even put my makeup bags in a ziplock bag for extra security!

Do you have any tips or tricks you use when traveling? Comment below to share!



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